Courses Taught

MSIS 4233/5233: Applied Information Assurance         2014 – 2024

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

  • Completely hands-on course on offensive techniques of cyber attackers.
  • Implemented individual lab module using ESXi virtualization technology.
  • Teach both online and in-person sections.

MSIS 4523/5203: Infrastructure Development               2013 – 2024

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater and Tulsa, OK

  • Infrastructure development course for MIS majors.
  • Implemented lab module using ESXi virtualization technology.
  • Teach both online and in-person sections.

MSIS 6303: Overview of Information Systems Research Fall 2014, Fall 2021

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

  • Ph.D. seminar on seminal and current research in the MSIS Ph.D. program.

MKTG 6413: Advanced Marketing Research       F 2014, F 2015, F 2016, S 2018 Oklahoma State University, Tulsa, OK

  • Multilevel statistical modeling for doctoral students in executive Ph.D. program.

MSIS 6343: Advanced Methods in MSIS Research       Spring 2016

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

  • Ph.D. seminar on methodological issues for doctoral students in the MSIS Ph.D. program.

MSIS 6313: Privacy and Security Research in Information Systems                                                                                    Fall 2015

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

  • Ph.D. seminar on security, privacy, and trust for doctoral students in the MSIS Ph.D. program.

HCI/PSYCH 522: Scientific Methods in Human Computer Interaction                                                                          Spring 2013

Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  • Research methods course for masters and doctoral students in the HCI program.
  • Covered wide range of topics including experimental/non-experimental designs, between/within-subjects designs, and qualitative research.
  • Taught both in-class and online concurrently.

MIS 435: Information Systems Infrastructure                    Fall 2012

Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  • Networking course for MIS majors.
  • Implemented new group lab module using ESXi virtualization technology.

MIS 207: Fundamentals of Computer Programming        Fall 2011, Spring 2012

Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  • Introductory object-oriented programming course for MIS majors.
  • Developed entire course from scratch (first time the course was offered).

MIS 434: Electronic Commerce Strategy                            Fall 2010

Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  • Course on the strategic use of electronic commerce by the organization.
  • Implemented new lab module.

HON 322: Tracking Technologies: Contemporary Uses of RFID                                                                                             Spring 2007

Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  • Helped develop material for a new honors course dealing with contemporary tracking technologies including radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging and 2D barcodes.
  • Co-taught course by preparing and delivering ½ of the lectures and checking all assignments, projects, etc.

MIS 330: Management Information Systems                      Fall 2006

Iowa State University, Ames, IA

  • Taught introductory computer concepts to business students.
  • Implemented a multi-part lab assignment never before used in the course.